Sunday, June 29, 2008

A few days ago I went pubbing on lancraft after an invitation and someone asked me "are you Ant from DotaSG?"

It felt like quite a weird question since most people ask "Ant, the Zenith one issit?"

It just recently struck me just really how much the name "Zenith" has spread. In the ARDM challenge last week (I was roped in to play for them), one member of the organising organisation (hurhur) told us that he had heard of the name "Zenith", but upon further questioning I found it quite difficult to give him a brief history of the team.

It seems that all that effort promoting the team done by our sponsors was very very effective. The name 'Zenith' seems to be a rather famous legacy that carries on.

It's nice to blog before booking in. Creates a suitable mood :D

Probably will post in a while about recent experiences this weekend.

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